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European Youth Card in Finland
1 logo | 38 countries | 60 000 discounts around Europe | over 6 million card holders
European Youth Card offers a large number of discounts on culture, travel, shopping and services in most European countries. Everyone under age of 30 can buy a card – you don’t have to be a resident of a European country.
Check out all the discounts in EYCA’s online database.
European Youth Card Association EYCA is committed to promoting youth mobility and active citizenship. National card organisation in Finland is Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi. The purpose of Allianssi is to encourage young people to become responsible members of society and help them to participate in decision making processes and international activities.
How can I get a card?
The card costs 10€ and it is issued for one year. Orders from Allianssi are only delivered to Finnish addresses. If you don’t have a Finnish address you can buy the card here.
1. Go to your online bank service and make money transfer to Allianssi with these details:
Receiver: Allianssi ry
IBAN: FI91 4055 4020 0390 77
Subject line: 315 EYC, your name and birth date
Total: 10€
2. Send the receipt of the payment and your contact details via email to eycfinland(at)
Contact details must include: First name, Last name, birthday, address, email address and phone number.
3. Once we have received the payment and receipt with your contact details we will send the card to you.
Thank you for your order!